Craigslist Automated New Ad Notification Bot - Watches craiglist ad postings and alerts you of new ads to your desktop, SMS text messaging to cell phone, and/or your email address. You pick the category, city, and keywords to be matched with the new ad postings. The notifier will alert you by showing the new ad's location, category, and whether or not a pic is included in the ad posting on craigslist. You can then visit the ad by clicking the included hyperlink.
This program is has many valuable uses some including; finding freebie craigslist ads, curb alerts, super deals specific items of interest worldwide, job postings, personal ad matches, gigs, freelance jobs, low priced for sale items.
Perfect for bargain hunters, ebay power seller looking for low priced product to sell on ebay, people in need of getting free stuff (couches, firewood, fill dirt, yard sale left overs, furniture, and A LOT MORE), job hunters, gig hunters - musicians, actors, comedians, models, and more!
Keywords: notify alert notification ad poster bot program software search watcher checker |