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Fast Font Set: FastFontSet - program that allows you selection of fonts for your needs. Now  it is easy to choose the font that fit your needs from all  fonts  installed  on your computer.
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Fast Font Set 1.02 Free Download


Fast Font Set


Wizetech Software

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 4.x / Windows2000
Downloaded: 482 times
Free download (509 Kb)
FastFontSet - is a program that allows you selection of fonts for your needs. Now it is easy to choose the font that fit your needs from all fonts installed on your computer. You can create, store and use "sets" of fonts (for example, "poster", "hand-written" etc.), so that in the future, you don't have to search all the inappropriate fonts again.

FastFontSet allows:
- look at all the fonts installed on your computer,
- choose the font style, size and color to display,
- display any entered text, also the alphabet and code character set,
- load a sample of the text from a file for display in the chosen font,
- display fonts as they will look on a printed sheet,
- change the font size of the preview,
- print the generated samples with variants of appearance,
- choose at once all or only some fonts,
- invert a selection from a list of fonts,
- invert a selection from a list of fonts,
- group fonts and create named sets of fonts,
- quickly choose any named set of fonts.

Keywords: search font disk explorer organize choose selection ttf
Free download (509 Kb)
Rated 0/10 (3418 votes)
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FontCreator Home Edition 5.5

Interleaved 2 of 5 Barcode Fonts 5.1

UPC, EAN, JAN and ISBN Barcode Fonts 5.0

PDF417 Bar Code Fonts 3.0

CrossFont 3.4

Data Matrix Bar Code Fonts 1.1

Code 39 Font Advantage Package 3.0

TrueType Barcode Font Pack 1.1

ANTI-HOA Screen Saver 2.0

Advanced Font Catalog 1.20

AL Font Installer 1.7

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