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Mathematics software: Inverse Matrices, Calc 3D, DeadLine, GraphiCal, Matrix Inverse Calculator, STFMath, Student Grade Calculator, Graphmatica, KwikTrig, Math Calculator, Rapid-Pi, Kalkulator
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98 programs in Education / Mathematics
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Inverse Matrices 1.02

Education/ Mathematics
Buy Online!( $15.00 )
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The program gives a complete, step-by-step solution of the following problem: Given a 2x2, or 3x3, or 4x4, or 5x5 matrix. Find its inverse matrix by using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method. The program is designed for university students and profes 1737

Calc 3D 0.0.30

Education/ Mathematics
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Calc3D is a calculator for vectors, matrices, complex numbers, quaternions and coordinates.
For objects like point, line, plane and sphere distances, intersections, volume, area of squeres, area of a triangle can be calculated.
(5 languages) 1037

DeadLine 1.20 build 2

Education/ Mathematics
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DeadLine solves algebraic equations. It displays the graphic of the function and a list of the real roots of the equation. It also includes the option to evaluate a function and its derivative. 905

GraphiCal 1.8.1

Education/ Mathematics
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GraphiCal is a programmable graphics calculator which lets you visualize expressions and formulas as graphs in a chart. Creates animated video clips from a sequence of graphs. Built-in functions (>50) include integration, root finding .. 884

Matrix Inverse Calculator 1.0

Education/ Mathematics
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This program uses the complicated Gauss-Jordan elimination method to find the inverse of any square matrix. You simply choose your matrix's dimensions, then enter the elements of the matrix you want inverted and press Enter. 881

STFMath 2.0.7

Education/ Mathematics
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Draw Cartesian, Parametric and Polar functions, special functions or Integral (with Average preview), analyze functions, calculate and draw integral, derivative, average, evaluate any function. Use complex and geometry calculator. 873

Student Grade Calculator 1.0

Education/ Mathematics
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Student Grade Calculator for Excel makes easy work of grading students. It quickly weights the students grades on a per-assignment basis. 866

Graphmatica 2.0b

Education/ Mathematics
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KwikTrig 3.0.2

Education/ Mathematics
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For quick solutions to trigonometry and geometry problems from expert to novice. Even with no math skills, and little to no computer skills YOU can do it! 812

Math Calculator 2.1.10

Education/ Mathematics
Buy Online!( $14.95 )
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To calculate expression, derivative, root, extremum, integral.To calculate expression, derivative, root, extremum, integral.To calculate expression, derivative, root, extremum, integral. 808

Rapid-Pi 1.2

Education/ Mathematics
Buy Online!( $50.00 )
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Rapid-Pi is an add-on for Microsoft Word (and other word processors) that provides a new, fast way to enter mathematical formulas, equations and expressions into documents. Rapid-Pi's text-based input is a simply faster way to input math. 786

Kalkulator 2.40

Education/ Mathematics
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Advanced Sci/Eng calculator. Expression evaluation, 18 digits precision, variables, >100 functions, graphs, unit conversion, interpolation, polynomial regression, linear algebra, systems of linear, nonlinear and differential equations, optimization. 760
Our Choice

Calc 3D 0.0.30

GraphiCal 1.8.1

STFMath 2.0.7

Student Grade Calculator 1.0

Math Calculator 2.1.10

Rapid-Pi 1.2

Linear Systems 1.02

AVD Volume Calculator 4.1

Math Buddy 2.1 2.1

ESBStats - Statistical Analysis Software 2.2.0

3D Grapher 1.2

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