Bersoft Image Measurement supports image analysis functions that include dimensional, gray scale and 24 bits color measurements: angle, distance, perimeter, area, point, line, pixel profile, array/band analyzer, and histogram (from images or selections) with statistics that calculate basic statistics (count, mean, median, minimum, maximum, range, variance, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation, skew and kurtosis) and frequencies.
Bersoft Image Measurement provides for geometric transformations such as rotate, resize, merge, flip horizontal and vertical, rotate or flip selection. The program is a multiple document interface (MDI) application supporting any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited only by available memory.
The program supports standard image processing functions such as subtract background, brightness and contrast manipulation, invert image color, channels manipulation, spatial convolutions with user-defined convolution masks and morphing filters.
Keywords: Image measurement GIS image analyzing map measurement medical image measurement image analysis |