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Blobs: The object of the game here is simple ... as you jump Blobs over each other, the Blob that you jumped disappears. To complete a level and advance, just end up with only 1 Blob left on the board. Further details available on the Blobs product page.
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Blobs 2.0 Free Download




NCBuy Entertainment Network

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 4.x / WinXP / Windows2000
Downloaded: 513 times
Free download (1.74 Mb)
Blobs is our own rendition of Peg Solitaire and HiQ - popular thinking games similar to Chinese Checkers. The object is simple ... as you jump Blobs over each other, the Blob that you jumped disappears. To complete a level and advance, just end up with only 1 Blob left on the board. Sounds simple enough, but there's a catch. You can only jump a Blob directly over another that is within an adjacent position. Still sound easy? Give it a go!

Suitability: Recommended for 12 and up.

What's New in v2.0

150% MORE Built-In Levels: Blobs v2.0 includes an additional 60 levels.

AUTO SOLVE FUNCTION: Stuck on a level? No problem! The new Solve function will show you how to complete the board.

UNDO FUNCTION: Everyone makes mistakes, and v2.0 now lets you take back ONE incorrect move per board.

VOLUME CONTROLS: v2.0 now offers volume controls directly within the game. Raise, lower or mute.

EFLASH UPDATE: New eFlash system to keep you current on the latest updates and features at NCBuy.com.

Best of all ....

UNLIMITED DYNAMIC LEVELS!: In addition to the 100 pre-fab levels to play with, v2.0 now offers players the ability to generate new levels on the fly! If you've completed all 100 prefab levels, just click the new GENERATE button and the game will create a brand new board for you!

Keywords: solitaire peg solitaire free games board games freeware solitaire puzzles free software free puzzle ncbuy

Free download (1.74 Mb)
Rated 0/10 (3391 votes)
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