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AntiVirus software: No Adware Pro, BitDefender Total Security, Dr.Web Anti-Virus for Workstations, Digital AntiAdware Zombie Exploit Spy, Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast! version, XRampAV, CyberScrub AntiVirus, ADWARESWEEP, Digital Trackware Rootkit Tracking Cookie Scanner, NetMail, 100% Anti-Spyware, Ever AntiSpyware Tracking Cookie Adload Trojans
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116 programs in Utilities / AntiVirus
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No Adware Pro 2011.05

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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No Adware Pro removes ad adware, spyware, rootkits, keyloggers, trojan horses and other malicious programs, are extremely destructive applications that can be introduced to a system. 342

BitDefender Total Security 2008

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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BitDefender Total Security 2008 provides the ultimate proactive protection for your PCs. 339

Dr.Web Anti-Virus for Workstations 4.30.a

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Dr.Web® Anti-Virus for Workstations provides a powerful and reliable anti-virus protection for your personal computer. If run with default settings, Dr.Web® automatically scrutinizes all possible ways of the viral intrusion. 338

Digital AntiAdware Zombie Exploit Spy 1.3.77

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Digital AntiAdware Zombie Exploit Spy scans for more than 70,000 components, fastest scanning mechanism. 334

Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast! version 2.05

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Notes/Domino automatically scans/cleans the message body, attached files, rich text fields and OLE objects in Domino mail, keeps Domino bases virus-free. 333

XRampAV 4.0

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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XRampAV is the most powerful anti-virus software on the market today. It has a 32-bit engine powered by Hauri and runs over 50 percent faster than other leading anti-virus software. 331

CyberScrub AntiVirus Lifetime Edition

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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CyberScrub AntiVirus provides not only award winning technology, but security for the life of your PC! Why purchase antivirus each year? You will receive a five year update subscription at a low one year price. 331


Utilities/ AntiVirus
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ADWARESWEEP is a program that protects you from the dangers of the internet, profiteers, and internet criminals. It is available in multi-languages. It scans all user accounts and shreds the detected spyware threats files . 330

Digital Trackware Rootkit Tracking Cookie Scanner 1.3.86

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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Administrator of such spyware applications can get your important information like passwords, emails etc. The captured information can be used for malicious purpose. Most spy applications run in stealth mode, so user is unaware of their existence. 328

NetMail 7.05

Utilities/ AntiVirus
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NetMail can store information on many e-mail accounts. If you have several external mailboxes at different ISPs you will not need to enter a new password and adjust the settings every time. 325

100% Anti-Spyware 2.0.24

Utilities/ AntiVirus
Buy Online!( $19.95 )
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100% Anti-Spyware is a powerful anti-spyware solution that lets you request a professional spyware removal procedure with just one click. Professional support team guarantees successful removal of all spyware on your computer. Enjoy! 325

Ever AntiSpyware Tracking Cookie Adload Trojans 1.0.83

Utilities/ AntiVirus
Buy Online!( $29.95 )
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Analyze your privacy vulnerability. Ever AntiSpyware Tracking Cookie Adload Trojans probes the confidential information stored on your computer on its vulnerability to unauthorized access by hackers. 324
Our Choice

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro 4.5

Panda Antivirus Titanium 2.04.04

Panda Antivirus Platinum 7.04

Solo Antivirus Software 2.5

Anti-Trojan Shield

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Lite 4.5

Anti-Trojan 5.5.420

DrWeb® Anti-Virus, Home Edition 4.30a

Protector Plus Anti-virus for Windows NT/2000/XP 7.2.E03

BitDefender Antivirus Plus v10 10

Anti-Trojan Shield

Tipard PSP Video Converter 4.0.10

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