Access Recovery Software is designed to recover and repair corrupted Microsoft Access database. This advanced database-repair program restores damaged Access files with following errors Unrecognized database format, Enter Password" (even though no password has been given)., The Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot open the file., Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to be closed. The Access Recovery Software uses powerful algorithms which perform complete and thorough scans of Access databases to extract as much recoverable data as possible. The software never deletes or modifies any of the original data and even heavily damaged Access databases can be optimally repaired and restored. The format of the original database (recovers name of the Tables, Query, form, Report, Macro, Modules, all Data Type, fields, including Images, Primary key fields if present, relation between Tables if present.) is preserved as much as possible. Software repair all versions of Microsoft Access including Access 97/2000/2002/XP/2003/2007. The user interface is simple and friendly and requires no technical skill to operate, software recovers name of the Tables, all Data Type, fields, including Images, Primary key fields if present, relation between Tables if present.The software recovers Reports, Forms, Modules and Macros Files are displayed in an easy to understand Windows based tree structure Simple to operate, with no prior technical skills required
Keywords: access recovery access repair access fix repair access fix access mdb recovery mdb file recovery access recovery software access repair software Microsoft access recovery recover access Microsoft access recovery software |