Fastest recovery of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista users' passwords! Brute-force attack, mask attack, dictionary attack, pre-calculated Rainbow-tables attack. Import from LC, LCP, LCS, HDT, LMNT.LST, PWDUMP files. Import local hashes. The program has small size, doesn't require installation and can be run from diskette, CD/DVD-disk or USB-drive. Includes over 10 types of data import and 6 types of passwords attack: brute-force attack, distributed attack, mask attack, dictionary attack, hybrid attack, pre-calculated Rainbow-tables attack. Forcing program code is written completely on Assembler what lets to get extremely high speed of password forcing procedure on any processor. Program correctly extracts Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 users' names and passwords in national symbol encoding. The program is the first utility in the world which started to work with passwords encrypted by system key SYSKEY!
Keywords: passwords recovery SAM SYSTEM administrator Windows logon |