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Advanced Encryption Package 2003: With AEP you can encrypt files for your own protection and you can easily create self-decrypting versions of your files that others can run witthout needing AEP.The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files
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Advanced Encryption Package 2003 1.9.3 Free Download


Advanced Encryption Package 2003


SecureAction Research, LLC

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 4.x / Windows2000
Downloaded: 285 times
Free download (1.42 Mb)
Typically you encrypt files because you don't want others to see them, but sometimes you want to send someone an encrypted file. Most if not all encryption programs allow you to do so--they vary, however, in terms of how difficult the process is. AEP2002's most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility: Not only can you encrypt files for your own protection but you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run without needing AEP2002 or any other software. The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files. It also integrates nicely with Windows Explorer, allowing you to use Explorer's context menus and avoid having another window clutter your screen. It also uses military grade encryption for protecting your private files. Program supports strong encryption algorithms Blowfish with 448 bit key, Rijndael with 256 bit key, CAST with 256 bit key, DES with 128 bit key. AEP2002 supports skins technology and has 10 nice additional skins! Moreover program has full support for ZIP files! I.e. ability to add files into .ZIP file, browse and extract contents from .ZIP file. Compression rate is better than WinZip's one! Plus Complete support for Command Line Interface. Latest added feature is ability to send encrypted files to your friend or partner via email.

Keywords: encrypt encryptor password protect blowfish extracted ecnrypted shred blowfish.zip unzip pkzip winzip rijndael cast des blowfish
Free download (1.42 Mb)
Rated 0/10 (3390 votes)
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