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Security software: CryptoHeaven for Java(tm), EXEsafe, WGP System Protect, Stealth Recorder Pro, ActMon Computer Monitoring Software, SpyRemover, Smart Keystroke Recorder Pro, Swift Delete Password Cracker Keylogger Rootkit, Smartsmart Rootkit Keylogger Keyloggers Scanner, Smartsmart Kill BHOs Viking Worm, Smartsmart Kill Keyloggers Password Cracker Rootkit, Internet Access Controller
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558 programs in Utilities / Security
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CryptoHeaven for Java(tm) 2.2.5

Utilities/ Security
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Integrates online storage and sharing, email, instant messaging in one unique package. Provides real time secure communications for text and data transfers in a multi user secure environment. Unique secure group collaboration and more. 251

EXEsafe 2

Utilities/ Security
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EXEsafe allows you to encrypt and put a lock on a program file, such as a game, or your office software, using a password, the time, or even your username. When run, the lock will process all information, and bar access to the program appropriately. 251

WGP System Protect 1.0

Utilities/ Security
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WGP System Protect allows you to password protect programs and settings that you don't want people accessing, such as the Control Panel, Display Properties or Windows Explorer. It can also apply encryption to files and folders for maximum security. 251

Stealth Recorder Pro 1.4

Utilities/ Security
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You can secretly record any sounds by real-time MP3/WMA supporting Voice Activation System and transfer them automatically by email or FTP in perfect stealth mode. Remote control feature included. You can send voice message to anybody by e-mail also. 251

ActMon Computer Monitoring Software 5.20

Utilities/ Security
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All-round activity recording tool. It allows parents and administrators to track the use of PCs easily and invisibly. Logs keystrokes (even XP login), active programs, chat, Instant Messages. Network (LAN) and email support with PRO Edition. 251

SpyRemover 2.47

Utilities/ Security
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Is someone stealing your information from your PC? Is your browser home page hijacked? Are you in danger of identity theft? Are you being spied on? Are you being watched and tracked? Find out with SpyRemover. 251

Smart Keystroke Recorder Pro 5.10

Utilities/ Security
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Smart Keystroke Recorder is an advanced monitoring tool. It allows you to investigate everything that happens on your PC.
The program works on all Windows systems. 251

Swift Delete Password Cracker Keylogger Rootkit 1.1.13

Utilities/ Security
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Swift Delete Password Cracker Keylogger Rootkit features: System and Application Anomaly Detection learns normal usage based on an array of critical variables and untrusted activity is displayed and/or blocked before PC damage can occur. 251

Smartsmart Rootkit Keylogger Keyloggers Scanner 1.1.13

Utilities/ Security
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Smartsmart Rootkit Keylogger Keyloggers Scanner is a rootkit scanner that offers ability to scan for hidden files, registry entries, processes, drivers and hooked system service. 251

Smartsmart Kill BHOs Viking Worm 1.0.62

Utilities/ Security
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Smartsmart Kill BHOs Viking Worm is completely free and protects against spyware, viruses, malware, adware, phishing scams and dangerous spam. This inclusive Internet Security suite is free and requires no credit card. 251

Smartsmart Kill Keyloggers Password Cracker Rootkit 1.3.03

Utilities/ Security
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Smartsmart Kill Keyloggers Password Cracker Rootkit scans for more than 70,000 components, fastest scanning mechanism. 251

Internet Access Controller

Utilities/ Security
Buy Online!( $14.95 )
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Internet Access Controller can restrict / block / limit internet access and web sites at a specified schedule, time. Password protect the web. Great to manage employees or parental control usage. Block or allow programs to access the internet (web). 251
Our Choice

Hide Folders XP 2.9.2

Lock Folder XP 3.1

Family Key Logger 2.70

1st Privacy Tool for Windows

Invisible Secrets Encryption Software 4.4

ActMon Password Recovery XP 4.03a

File Shredder 2.0

LockEXE 2.0

Cresotech DesktopSafe Pro 1.12

PassMonster 2.10

Privacy Guard 3.0

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