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WebCab Optimization for .NET: .NET class library containing refined procedures for solving uni and multi dimensional, local or global optimization problems. Specialized Linear programming algorithms based on the Simplex Algorithm and duality, are included.
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Buy WebCab Optimization for .NET 2.6 Full Version


WebCab Optimization for .NET


WebCab Components

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win98 / WinNT 4.x / Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows2003
Downloaded: 503 times
Free download (3.05 Mb) Buy full version for only $179.00!
Refined procedures for solving and performing sensitivity analysis on uni and multi dimensional, local or global optimization problems which may or may not have linear constraints. Specialized Linear programming algorithms based on the Simplex Algorithm and duality are included along with a framework for sensitivity analysis w.r.t. boundaries (duality, or direct approach), or object function coefficients.

Product Details

This suite includes the following features:

Local uni dimensional optimization: Fast `low level' algorithms (Bracketing and Locate algorithms), Accurate `high level' algorithms, Global uni dimensional optimization.

Unconstrained global multidimensional optimization

Simulated annealing - a technique that has attracted significant attention as suitable for optimizing problems of large scale, especially ones where a desired global extremum is hidden among many poorer, local extrema

Constrained optimization for derivable functions with linear constraints

Rosen's gradient projection algorithm - uses the Kuhn-Tucker conditions as a termination criteria.

Linear programming - here the functions are linear and the constraints are linear

Simplex algorithm - Kuenzi, Tszchach and Zehnder implementation of the simplex algorithm for linear programming
Duality - Construct and solve the dual problem for a given primal linear programming problem.
Sensitivity Analysis - Study how the location and value of the extremum varies under perturbations of the object function and parallel shifts of the linear constraints. Sensitivity analysis of the boundaries can very efficient be carried out with the application a duality techniques.

Sensitivity Analysis - Stability of the value and location of the extremum

General Framework - Perform sensitivity analysis on any optimization problem/algorithm combination.
Flexibility - Perform sensitivity analysis on the object function, constraints and/or algorithm.

Keywords: optimization linear programming .NET XML Web service Class Libraries C# VB.NET maxima minima local global
Free download (3.05 Mb) Buy full version for only $179.00!
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