EJB Suite for pricing equity option and futures contracts using Monte Carlo and Finite Difference techniques. General MC pricing framework: wide range of contracts, price, interest and vol models. Prices European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda and Binary Options using Analytic, Monte Carlo and Finite Difference inaccordance with a number of vol, price, volatility and rate models.
This product also contains the following features:
* GUI Bundle - we bundle a suite of graphical user interface JavaBean components (with 1, 2, 4 or site-wide license) allowing the developer to plug-in a wide range of GUI functionality (including charts/graphs) into their client applications
* EAR Files - we provide individual customized EAR files for the most widely used application servers including IBM WebSphere 4.0/5.0, BEA WebLogic 6.1/7.0, Oracle 9iAS, Sun ONE AppServer 7, Ironflare Orion 1.5.2/1.6.0, Borland AppServer 5.0, Sybase EAServer 3.6 and JBoss 2.4.4/3.0.0
* Self-Deploy - the relevant servers EAR file will be self-deployed onto supported local application servers during the installation of the self-install package. The supported application servers include IBM WebSphere 4.0/5.0, BEA WebLogic 6.1/7.0, Oracle 9iAS, Borland AppServer 5.0, Ironflare Orion 1.5.2/1.6.0 and JBoss 2.4.4/3.0.0
Keywords: options futures EJB J2EE J2EE Java European Asian American Lookback Bermuda Binary Monte Carlo Finite Difference volatility WebLogic WebSphere JSP Java |