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Buy Subtitle Mixer 2.2 Full Version


Subtitle Mixer



Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Windows2000 / WinXP
Downloaded: 398 times
Free download (2.39 Mb) Buy full version for only $19.00!
Still looking for a solution for playing subtitle for movie that have none subtitle or playing your subtitle for movie that you don't satisfied with it's subtitle? Still looking for a solution for palying two kinds of language subtitle or above at the same time? Still looking for a solution for editing and translating subtitle easily? Using this software, you can play subtitle for some movies that have not any subtitle or you can play any kind of subtitle you want. You can generate a subtitle file that contain different language. At the same time, the language mapping text is generated. The language mapping text is like this:
Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
What were you doing?
If you want to learn language from subtitle, you can add vocabulary or sentence into library anytime. You can directly view vocabulary or sentence in the library. Mini Study is another way to view vocabulary or sentence.
This software provide a tool for code schema convert. Using this tool, you can convert a file from one code schema to another code schema. So, if a file's code schema is not right, you can correct it by using this tool.
Now, it is the time to rock your movie life!

Keywords: Subtitle Mixer watermark subtitle play subtitle subtitle translation vocabulary .srt language learning extract multi-language support
Free download (2.39 Mb) Buy full version for only $19.00!
Rated 0/10 (3384 votes)
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