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FTP Client Engine for Delphi: The FTP Client Engine for Delph (FCE4D) is a library of functions providing direct and simple control of the FTP client protocol from your Delphi application program. FCE4D comes with both Win16 and Win32 DLLs.
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FTP Client Engine for Delphi 2.3 Free Download


FTP Client Engine for Delphi


MarshallSoft Computing

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win 3.1x / Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 4.x / WinXP / Windows2000
Downloaded: 483 times
Free download (326 Kb)
The FTP Client Engine for Delpi (FCE4D) is a library of functions providing direct and simple control of the FTP client protocol from your Delphi application program.

FCE4D comes with both Win16 and Win32 DLL's. With FCE4D, you can write GUI or console mode programs that easily:

(1) Connect to any FTP server.
(2) Get a list of files on the server.
(3) Navigate the server directories.
(4) Specify ASCII or BINARY transfer mode.
(5) Download files.
(6) Upload files.
(7) Delete files.
(8) Rename files.
(9) Create and remove server directories.
(10) Supports many proxy servers.

Multiple example programs are provided. FCE4D will work with all versions of Delphi.

Three manuals are provided (Programmers Manual, Users Manual, and Reference Manual), each in 3 (Word, HTML, and text) formats.

The shareware version of FCE4D is fully functional and can be downloaded from our web site at www.marshallsoft.com/fce4d.htm.

We also have versions of FCE for C/C++, Visual Basic, PowerBASIC, FoxPro, dBase, and Xbase++.

Registration is $105 for email delivery and include one full year of updates.

Keywords: ftp FTP winsock component library Delphi
Free download (326 Kb)
Rated 0/10 (3387 votes)
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