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Adobe Contribute CS5: Powerful website management tool that integrates authoring, reviewing, and publishing in an easy-to-use WYSIWYG HTML editor. Make website updates easy. New features include native XML file editing, image hotspot definition, and cross-browser preview.
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Buy Adobe Contribute CS5 6 Full Version


Adobe Contribute CS5



Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP
Downloaded: 386 times
Free download (32 Mb) Buy full version for only $100.00!
With Adobe Contribute CS5, content authors can edit data contained in a variety of Spry widgets, including data within accordion, tabbed, and collapsible panels. This is accomplished with the new Widget Properties button in Edit mode, which allows the user to access and edit the displayed data, and to change certain properties of the visual effects. Use the enhanced search-and-replace capability in Contribute CS5 to update information on multiple open draft pages. Streamline the update process by performing in minutes what used to be a tedious task. Search based on text, images, and other elements. An important aspect of any web administrator's duties is the archiving and redeployment of content. One of the most popular solutions for this task is Subversion, an open-source version control system. Contribute CS5 lets you work with Subversion with minimal configuration, or with the built-in Contribute rollback system. Previously, programmers and designers usually added hotspots to images using specialized image-editing software such as Adobe Fireworks during the design process. Now content authors can set up hotspots themselves from within Contribute CS5, without having to roundtrip the images to the art department. Users can create multiple links to different parts of a single image with integrated WYSIWYG hotspot support. Draw one or more hotspots onto any image, and then add alternative text and URLs for immediate interactivity. Embedding SWF and FLV files in a web page is traditionally a task left to the Dreamweaver web experts--and with good reason, as the coding required to ensure smooth and consistent operation across platforms isn't exactly the stuff you can copy and paste. Insertion of SWF and FLV files was possible previously, but now Contribute CS5 automatically creates Dreamweaver-compatible web standards-compliant code when you insert the file into your page. This helps enable predictable behavior while allowing cycle-accelerating drag-and-drop authoring.

Keywords: Adobe Contribute Website Management Web Publishing WYSIWYG HTML Editor
Free download (32 Mb) Buy full version for only $100.00!
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