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Macromedia HomeSite: Customize the application to fit users needs by automating development tasks and extending the user interface. You can use JavaScript and VBScript to automate Macromedia HomeSite 5 tasks and execute them from Custom Tool Buttons or Keyboard Shortcuts
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Buy Macromedia HomeSite 5 Full Version


Macromedia HomeSite



Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP
Downloaded: 402 times
Free download (18.72 Mb) Buy full version for only $50.00!
Developers can create professional Web sites fast with the code editing features of Macromedia HomeSite 5. The software delivers advanced hand coding features, productivity-enhancing wizards, and a customizable user interface to efficiently build, deploy, and manage your entire Web site. Effortlessly validate, reuse, navigate, and format your code with integrated coding tools. The wizards quickly create pages, tables, frames, and JavaScript elements for you. With XHTML support, based on the W3C specifications for XHTML 1.0, developers can build pages with the latest Web technologies. The extensibility of XHTML provides the flexibility to incorporate new Web communication and presentation ideas as they emerge. Developers can use the new Secondary Files tab to browse local and remote files simultaneously and to drag and drop files between the two Files tabs, efficiently incorporating documents and images. The new Folder Deployment settings enable developers to determine the deployment method for individual folders and files within a project. These new settings make deployment much more accessible to the novice user while maintaining the sophistication of the feature for the high-end user. For new users and old hands alike, HomeSite 5 offers some very compelling new features, including XHTML support and better integration with Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Macromedia has also worked hard to improve code validation for many languages, including HTML, JSP, CFML, and more. Checking your code for errors is as simple as hitting Shift and F6, a big improvement over the days of scrutinizing code and straining your eyes in search of missing "tr" and "td" tags. Another important improvement is the new Secondary Files tab, which lets you access multiple files at once, making it much easier and faster to incorporate remote files into your HomeSite project. In addition, Macromedia has included an Auto Backup feature, designed to save your work as often as you decide is necessary.

Keywords: Macromedia HomeSite HTML Editor Web Design Code Environment Development Tool Tag Editor
Free download (18.72 Mb) Buy full version for only $50.00!
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