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FTP software: FTP Voyager, Internet Download Accelerator, PowerFTP, Win Sniffer, SmartFTP, WebDrive, 1ClickFTP, WinTopMost Site License, SC Net Speed Booster, WinFtp Server, WinEdit ProPack, FTPDummy!
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106 programs in Internet / FTP
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FTP Voyager

Internet/ FTP
Try Free (2.77 Mb)
FTP Voyager lets you perform FTP tasks as if working locally in Windows Explorer. Connect to any FTP site, drag-n-drop files, synchronize, simultaneous transfers, auto-resume downloads, and more! 791

Internet Download Accelerator 5.5

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $24.95 )
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Easy-to-use and effective download manager that can increase download speeds by up to 500 percent. It uses intellectual multi-section download to provide the best possible performance for all connection types. IDA resumes broken downloads. 762

PowerFTP 2.25

Internet/ FTP
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PowerFTP is a powerful FTP client/server software. The best feature of PowerFTP is the function of multiple thread downloading and uploading. it can even split one big file into several parts, and download each part at one time! 757

Win Sniffer 1.22

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $45.00 )
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The most efficient and reliable password sniffer! Win Sniffer allows network administrators to capture passwords of any network user. Win Sniffer monitor incoming and outcoming network traffic and decode FTP, POP3, HTTP, ICQ, SMTP, Telnet, IMAP, NNTP 730

SmartFTP 1.0.976

Internet/ FTP
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SmartFTP allows you to transfer files across the Internet via FTP. It offers a Windows XP look and feel and features including SSL (Implicit/Explicit), FXP Support, Multiple connections, Proxy Firewall support, Drag and Drop from Explorer, and Remote Dire 725

WebDrive 5.20

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $39.95 )
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WebDrive integrates FTP, WebDAV or FrontPage servers into the Windows desktop by mappingg a web server to a network drive letter on your computer. This allows you to use your favorite applications to edit/manipulate files on the web server. 724

1ClickFTP 2.00

Internet/ FTP
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1ClickFTP - is an utility to automate of uploading your web-pages, images, archives, etc. to a remote server. 1ClickFTP automatically finds all modified and new files at local copy of your site and automatically uploads them to the remote server. 721

WinTopMost Site License 1.1j

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $302.00 )
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Disables close window button of selected applications to control that a proper logout comand is issued when leaving Telnet or avoid Excel close button. Topmost features, set windows always on top of all other. Interactive interface or command-line 719

SC Net Speed Booster

Internet/ FTP
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Boost & optimize your Internet connection speed with this set of tools - A free utility to help you keep your system healthy and responsive. This program is a package of 3 utilities, a network pinger, and SC Net Speed Booster, and a Free Mem tool. 713

WinFtp Server 2.1.2

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $79.00 )
Try Free (1.72 Mb)
WinFtp Server is extremely simple and powerful FTP server to install and manage.It is a professional Windows FTP Server featuring speed, reliability and customization. 702

WinEdit ProPack 2001a

Internet/ FTP
Buy Online!( $99.00 )
Try Free (5.3 Mb)
Award winning remote development IDE and source code editor for HTML, Java, ASP, or any language. Winedit offers seamless editing, viewing, and publishing, is extensible with any tool, and includes the most powerful macro language in its class. 693

FTPDummy! 4.7

Internet/ FTP
Try Free (836 Kb)
FTPDummy! is the only ftp client to combine online editing and builtin previewing of files directly on the ftp site. It also contains all the features of the best ftp clients plus sounds and animations, offline browsing, autoexecute files, file p 680
Our Choice

AtomicRobot FTP Professional Edition 2.0

Internet Download Accelerator 5.5

PowerFTP 2.25

Win Sniffer 1.22

WebDrive 5.20

WinTopMost Site License 1.1j

SC Net Speed Booster

WinFtp Server 2.1.2

WinEdit ProPack 2001a

ESTOP 3.21

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