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Security software: Anti-Hack, PAL  Spyware Remover, BPS Spyware and Adware Remover, SnifMon, ChatBlocker, Mil Firewall, Mil Shield, WebScout, Yahoo Messenger Monitor Sniffer, TZ Spyware-Adware Remover, Advanced Administrative Tools, Surf Safe Pilot
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149 programs in Internet / Security
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Anti-Hack 3.0

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $14.99 )
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Protect your computer from intrusion using this simple program. Anti-Hack will stop hackers and inform you of intrusion attempts! 1620

PAL Spyware Remover 1.0

Internet/ Security
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Spyware Remover scans your computer for spyware and removes it with a single click.

Malware, adware, spyware, trackware, thiefware, and Big Brotherware detection and removal utility with multilanguage support 1063

BPS Spyware and Adware Remover

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $29.00 )
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Spyware Remover is an Adware, SpyWare, Key Loggers, Trojans, Dialers, Hijackers, Trackware, Thiefware, Big Brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. Also includes a POP-UP Blocker and Stopper, Real time Monitor, & automatic live update 1038

SnifMon 3.9.92

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $39.00 )
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SnifMon is a program for capturing and analysis of packets in LAN.
Supports Ethernet, Token Ring, RAS 1018

ChatBlocker 1.7

Internet/ Security
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ChatBlocker is a desktop parental control application for moderating and restricting chat conversations! With ChatBlocker, you can easily setup time slots in which you wish to allow or disallow chat conversations. 1018

Mil Firewall 2.2

Internet/ Security
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Mil Firewall blocks all network attacks and information leaks from your computer. With Mil Firewall you can use Internet and local networks for work or entertainment while keeping full control over what goes in and what goes out of your computer. 969

Mil Shield 8.1

Internet/ Security
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Mil Shield 8.1 removes all tracks from your PC activities to protect your privacy. It cleans cookies, cache, history, WebCacheV01.dat and INDEX.DAT files, IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Chrome tracks. Windows 8.1 ready. 958

WebScout 1.2

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $49.95 )
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Monitor, restrict and manage your organizations access to the web. Allow or deny access to specific websites, limit each users bandwidth and time online, block any file type, adult sites and ads easily. WebScout also logs of every users web activity. 943

Yahoo Messenger Monitor Sniffer 3.0

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $69.95 )
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Monitor and Sniff Yahoo Messenge chat conversations on all computers in network,It is able to record conversations automatically in real time,And export all intercepted messages to HTML files 942

TZ Spyware-Adware Remover

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $32.00 )
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Nearly 90% of Internet connected PCs are infected by Spyware. TZ Spyware-Adware Remover -The leader in privacy protection,safely detects & removes all forms of spyware, Trojans, adware, keyloggers, Dialers, system monitors. Try it now for free! 932

Advanced Administrative Tools 5.56

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $49.95 )
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AATools is a multithreaded network diagnostic toos for network administrators and security professionals. Its purpose is to accumulate data pertaining to network status and availability, using all of the latest development tools in network research. 895

Surf Safe Pilot 1.20

Internet/ Security
Buy Online!( $25.00 )
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Surf Safe Pilot is a utility which can help you browse Internet with absolute security 884
Our Choice

BPS Windows Trace Remover 4.4

ISpyNow 3.0

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 2008

Anti-Hack 3.0

PAL Spyware Remover 1.0

ChatBlocker 1.7

SnifMon 3.9.92

Mil Firewall 2.2

Mil Shield 8.1

WebScout 1.2

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