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Macromedia FreeHand: Enhance productivity with a highly customizable workspace. Macromedia FreeHand MX provides a streamlined, easy-to-learn graphics environment for designing illustrations, organizing information, laying out storyboards, and developing presentations.
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Buy Macromedia FreeHand MX Full Version


Macromedia FreeHand



Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP
Downloaded: 392 times
Free download (29.72 Mb) Buy full version for only $50.00!
Rapidly create and edit visually rich designs and illustrations that provide maximum impact. Macromedia FreeHand MX includes a powerful and flexible set of vector-based tools for designing print layouts, animations in Flash, or application interfaces. Layer complex visual appearances on individual vector objects. With multiple attributes you can apply and organize an unlimited number of strokes, fills, and effects on a single object, from a single panel — eliminating the need to keep up with and edit multiple copies of an object for the same visual appearance. Easily build rich graphical components for ads, interface objects, and attention-grabbing headlines. Apply path manipulation effects such as bend and transform while maintaining editability of the original shape with live vector effects. Provide high-resolution, realistic appearances - such as drop shadow and bevel - with live raster effects. Create 3D appearances with the Extrude tool. Quickly reshape graphic primitives while maintaining editability. Round rectangle corners, turn ovals into arcs, and change the number of points on stars - all within the workspace. Design, lay out, and animate SWF movies in a familiar design environment. Place existing SWF components and applications directly into your FreeHand MX layouts, maintaining complex ActionScript programming. Drag and drop advanced ActionScript commands for navigation, printing, or interaction with external SWF movies. Animate blends and assign persistent background elements in a familiar multipage layout metaphor. Easily preview and export optimized SWF movies. Preview SWF movies in the design environment using the built-in SWF Controller. Set up SWF export with the redesigned, easier-to-understand Movie Settings button. Export SWF movies that are smartly optimized for minimum file size using automatic symbol assignments and the latest Flash compression. Tools panel organization and a streamlined workflow make FreeHand MX easy to learn and use.

Keywords: Macromedia FreeHand Creative Design Document Production Illustration Flash
Free download (29.72 Mb) Buy full version for only $50.00!
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