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Anti Spam software: AVANTRIX Spam Interceptor, Anti Spam Controls, Aldo's SPAM Cleaner, Mail Snoop Pro, Swift Binder System Monitor Trojans Agent, Broadband Antispam, Swift Block Dialers Virus RAT, History Cleaner, Swift Zombie Web Bug BHOs Reporter, Swift Backdoor Popups Joke Eliminator, Swift Anti-virus Trojans RAT Trackware, Flystrike Spam Interrogator
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54 programs in Internet / Anti Spam
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AVANTRIX Spam Interceptor 1.0.3

Internet/ Anti Spam
Buy Online!( $29.95 )
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Need a quick and easy way to get rid of spam in your inbox? Look no further than AVANTRIX Spam Interceptor. Comes with many predefined spam keywords to search out spam quickly. Also allows you to blacklist spammers and keep a Friends List. 481

Anti Spam Controls 2008.5

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Get the email you want and nothing else. Anti Spam Controls quickly and easily helps you stop spam from polluting your inbox with advanced rule-based and list based filtering 455

Aldo's SPAM Cleaner 1.3

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Aldo's SPAM Cleaner is a tool that will save you bandwidth and time deleting automatically all them SPAM, Worms, Virus, Junk emails, Unwanted emails, email attacks and almost anything you define before download them from your POP3 account. 454

Mail Snoop Pro 1.10.46

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Mail Snoop Pro is an anti-spam and email notification application designed to monitor any number of Pop3/SSL Pop3/IMAP/SSL IMAP mailboxes, finding and deleting spam without disturbing you and alerting you when there is new mail you need to see 452

Swift Binder System Monitor Trojans Agent 1.0.62

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Swift Binder System Monitor Trojans Agent is a tool designed to detect malicious software on your computer. 451

Broadband Antispam 1.0

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Broadband Antispam is a second generation spam filter which uses your permanent cable, ADSL, leased line or ISDN connection to do more frequent and thorough checking than conventional spam checkers. 449

Swift Block Dialers Virus RAT 1.0.84

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Swift Block Dialers Virus RAT quickly and effectively provides maximum protection with minimal interaction. With an easy-to-use console and customizable options, Swift Block Dialers Virus RAT makes maximum protection a snap. 449

History Cleaner 6.8

Internet/ Anti Spam
Buy Online!( $19.90 )
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Clean internet history, cookies, temporary internet files(cache), index.dat files, protect your home page from being modified, clean recently used files list, empty recycle bin and more. Protect your privacy and keep your system clean! 448

Swift Zombie Web Bug BHOs Reporter 1.0.66

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Swift Zombie Web Bug BHOs Reporter is a malicious computer software (malware) removal application. 448

Swift Backdoor Popups Joke Eliminator 1.1.17

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Many software programs insert themselves into the Windows StartUp areas (registry locations or the Startup folder). 448

Swift Anti-virus Trojans RAT Trackware 1.0.77

Internet/ Anti Spam
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Swift Anti-virus Trojans RAT Trackware actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it's tracks. 445

Flystrike Spam Interrogator 1.6

Internet/ Anti Spam
Buy Online!( $20.00 )
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Flystrike Spam Interrogator helps the user identify unsolicited messages for remote deletion by performing an Inventory of tests before the final download from the POP server. Offensive messages can be relayed to abuse authorities. 443
Our Choice

PestBlock 4.1.6

Chrysanth Mail Manager 1.8

Spam Inspector 4.0

Spam Buster 1.9.5

SpamRemover 1.9

SpamEater Pro 4.00.91

Swift Backdoor Malware Dialers Cleaner 1.0.66


Swift Block Worm Backdoor Adware 1.0.64

SPAMfighter Pro 6.2.29

NUCEM Spam Terminator 3.0

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