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Browsers and Plugins software: X2Net BrowserPal, DejaSurf, SiteKiosk, InBookmarks, NetVisualize Favorites Organizer, Portable Bookmarks, IEHttpTools, Advanced URLs filter  for Internet Explorer, URL Capture, Bookmark Base, Link Commander, MM3-WebAssistant Professional
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158 programs in Internet / Browsers and Plugins
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X2Net BrowserPal 1.00

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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X2Net BrowserPal allows you to securely store and recall passwords and other text information right inside the Internet Explorer itself. Implemented as an Explorer Bar when you need an item you can drag and drop it right there, no switching around! 320

DejaSurf 3.0.6

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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Ad-free Internet Explorer plug-in that fills in forms/passwords on web pages and blocks popup ads. DejaSurf also includes a macro recorder that is great for entering contests. 319

SiteKiosk 5.0.22

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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SiteKiosk for Windows is a secure multilanguage web browser for public internet terminals which bases on the Internet Explorer. SiteKiosk supports different payment options, video- and photo mail, content filtering, remote management, touch screen. 319

InBookmarks 1.55

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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InBookmarks is a powerful bookmark solution. It allows you to store, organize, comment and check you Internet pages. It has many powerful facilities that replace and compliment the browser's bookmark management systems. 318

NetVisualize Favorites Organizer 1.1.0

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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NetVisualize Favorites Organizer organizes URLs visually. It imports your bookmarks or favorites, creates thumbnail images of your sites, and provides text and visual search. It can display a thumbnail directory or save to an HTML thumbnails file. 317

Portable Bookmarks

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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Portable Bookmarks is a compact, mobile and browser-independent bookmark manager, that allows you to attach it to any computer via a removable device. It also provides useful tools to manage your database protecting it with a password. 317

IEHttpTools 1.2

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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IEHttpTools is a plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to monitor and inspect HTTP/HTTPS traffic in real-time.It can Header, Cookies, Cache Info, Query Strings, Post data , redirection URLs and more data. 317

Advanced URLs filter for Internet Explorer

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
Buy Online!( $19.95 )
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Softly cleans advertising (Banners, Popups), flexible Web Zones management,
control of access to the Web Zones and scheduling accessing time.
Internet Explorer 5+ plug-in. 316

URL Capture 1.3

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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URL Capture saves all opened browser windows with their addresses and restores them on your demand by one mouse click. It can help to surf the web at work (can hide IE windows on boss appearance) and at home (connection failures). 316

Bookmark Base

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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Bookmark Base is a portable bookmark manager. Store all your bookmarks in one place. Edit, synchronize and deploy them to any other PC or browser. Forget about browser incompatibilities and enjoy Bookmark Base! 316

Link Commander 1.2

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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Link Commander - is a program for operation with links and web-page collections on the Internet. It will offer you access to all possible operations with links. 315

MM3-WebAssistant Professional 2003.490

Internet/ Browsers and Plugins
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The proxy offline browser archives all websites you have visited online. Offline each page is available with its URL. There is no difference between surfing the Internet and surfing the archive. The reader is an ideal addition to every browser! 314
Our Choice

CTube! 3.9

Save Flash 4.1.0124

Website Extractor 9.80

INetFormFiller 3.6.11

Surf Assistant 2.0

WinGuardian 3.0

WebCloner Pro Offline Browser 2.5

IE++ 2.2

Easy Web Page Saver 1.1

Bookmark Converter 3.0 (beta 7)

Remove Toolbar Buddy 5.0.1

Download Druid 2.0

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