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WinaXe Plus: Run Linux/Unix on a MS Windows PC.  This simple but powerful 32-bit software package provides a cost-effective way to transform your PC into a powerful X-Windows workstation. All that you need to run remote Unix and X-applications is also included.
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WinaXe Plus 7.2 Free Download


WinaXe Plus



Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 3.x / WinNT 4.x / WinXP / Windows2000
Downloaded: 400 times
Free download (13.54 Mb)
WinaXe is the pre-eminent X Windows environment for the Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, NT and XP platforms. It enables easy access to different operating systems. It transparently connects different operating systems and their applications together. You need not worry where these applications are physically located on your network. WinaXe brings remote UNIX applications to your PC with each in a separate window. There are no discernible differences when compared to local PC applications which run simultaneously with those from the host remote system. WinaXe links to most UNIX hosts including Sun, Digital, Linux, HP-UX, SCO Unix, IBM (AIX) and many others. The strongest feature of this environment is that it is all happening concurrently and is totally interactive. You can copy and paste text and images from one application to another simply by using your mouse and transfer data among heterogenous computer environments with ease. WinaXe takes nothing from your PC, instead it brings another operating world alongside. WinaXe is a simple but powerful 32-bit software package, which provides a cost effective way to transform your PC into a powerful X Window System workstation. To get started, all you need is the WinaXe package and a standard 32-bit networked PC (386, 486 or Pentium) and Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT. WinaXe provides full support for multiple X applications, sophisticated window managers, including TWM, FVWM, Motif, Open Look and desktops like CDE, KDE etc. You have a consistent graphical user interface for all your applications, and get more productivity with less effort. Learning to work in a multiple-computer environment has never been easier. It is the most economical way to bring the Unix world into your day to day environment. The X Window System, TCP/IP, NFS, FTP, TFTP and Telnet software are built and provided in the package. All that you need to run remote UNIX and X Applications is included within WinaXe.

Keywords: winaxe x-winpro xwinpro x-win pro x window system pc x server nfs client nfs server linux x-windows server unix CDE KDE TWM FVWM Motif Open Look TCP/IP Telnet x window X11 XDM RSH REXEC RLOGIN FTP client xserver LPR LPQ LPRM VT52 VT100 x emulator
Free download (13.54 Mb)
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