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PostSmile: With PostSmile sending emails and posting on message boards gets to be fun. You can Drag and Drop images and animations, smiles and emoticons, text or HTML snippets, quotes and signatures into your email, message board or web-forum postings.
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Buy PostSmile 6.5 Full Version





Supported languages: English
Supported OS: WinXP / Windows2000 / Windows2003 / Windows Vista Starter / Windows Vista Home Basic / Windows Vista Home Prem
Downloaded: 391 times
Free download (2.58 Mb) Buy full version for only $19.95!
With PostSmile sending emails and posting on message boards gets to be fun. You can Drag and Drop images and animations, smileys and emoticons, text or HTML snippets, quotes and signatures into your email, message board or web-forum postings.

One thing the users appreciate about this program is that the smiley faces are divided into clear categories - Happy, Love, Sad, Communication, Other, Signatures, Famous Quotes, Love Quotes, Proverbs, Jokes and Compliments. PostSmile offers a wide variety of smiley faces and hundreds and hundreds of great emoticons are available online at PostSmile.NET. It also works well with all major email programs and also with MSN Live Messenger. The latest version is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows Mail and Internet Explorer 7.

You can add your own images, smilies, animations and text or HTML "signatures" to the PostSmile by creating your own "collections". Use PostSmile when you want to make your email more interesting, fun or to make your email stand out from the others. PostSmile makes it easy to add fun to your email!

PostSmile can also be very useful as a tool when using the text/HTML signature feature. You can use it to save special signatures for adding text you often include in your email. You can use famous sayings, for example, as PostSmile signature files and include them at the bottom of your email. You can combine images and text and make your own original signature!

If you want to say more - say it with PostSmile!

Keywords: PostSmile image images quote quotation signature picture gif jpeg message Masterra funny smiley emoticon smile
Free download (2.58 Mb) Buy full version for only $19.95!
Rated 0/10 (3384 votes)
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