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HTML software: X2Net WebCompiler, Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc), LinkLaunch, HTMLXpress Demo, Koala HTML, Advanced PDF to HTML converter, EasyWebEditor Français créer site Web, SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker, Ranking Toolbox, Web Protector, ABC Amber CHM Converter, MailWiz
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151 programs in Internet / HTML
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X2Net WebCompiler 2.10

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (3.17 Mb)
A powerful HTML Compiler produces .exe files for distribution from groups of HTML pages. Support for all modern HTML. Built-in searching, favorites management, page protection, passwords, kiosk mode,form processing, encryption etc. 490

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc) 3.0.2

Internet/ HTML
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Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Use it to protect your online content from unauthorized copying, reverse engineering and from webbots collecting email addresses and personal data. 443

LinkLaunch 2.3

Internet/ HTML
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Make page and site navigation simple and intuitive for your users. Choose between CGI or JavaScript development methods. 440

HTMLXpress Demo

Internet/ HTML
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HTMLXpress is an ActiveX component for online HTML creation and management. HTMLXpress usage can be done online and offline. It can successfully create HTML documents completely ready for online publication and/or database insertion. 438

Koala HTML 1.0.5

Internet/ HTML
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Need a quick and easy way to create web pages? Look no further than Koala HTML. There's no need to learn HTML coding with Koala HTML. The program allows you to insert special HTML tags quickly and easily with a minimum of learning required. 437

Advanced PDF to HTML converter 1.4.9

Internet/ HTML
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Convert PDF files into HTML so they can be used for online browsing and accessible for all search engines. This also means that graphics, hyperlinks, bookmarks and vector drawings will be preserved. 435

EasyWebEditor Français créer site Web 2011.27.30

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $69.00 )
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French Website Mkr: Créer un site Web c'est facile, avec EasyWebEditor. Un logiciel professionnel et simple pour la création de vos site Web (personnel, professionnel, d'entreprise) en un clin d'œil. Sans codage/HTML. Optimisée. 431

SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker 1.1

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $20.00 )
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All-in-one Website Scanner, Link Checker, Response Timer, Browser & Editor. Scan entire websites for broken links, server errors and measure page response times. Analyze individual pages - highlight links in the browser or source code, edit and save. 427

Ranking Toolbox 2.1

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (2.82 Mb)
The Ranking Toolbox includes useful tools:
Four modules dynamically analyze search engines, detect ranking criteria, provide hints on how to optimize your website and compare the position of your website with that of your competitors. 423

Web Protector 2.0

Internet/ HTML
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Web Protector helps you protect your Web Page from unwanted copying. It encrypts your Web Page and make the source code impossible to read and reuse, however, the look of your Web Page will not be changed in any JavaScript compatible browser. 422

ABC Amber CHM Converter 7.04

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $19.95 )
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ABC Amber CHM Converter is a batch decompiler for Compiled Windows HTML Help files (*.chm) you've been searching for a long time. Taking CHM files or CHM ebooks, it will convert them to any document format you wish. 421

MailWiz 1.07

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (578 Kb)
Mass e-mailing is an essential component in today's communication methods. Mail*Wiz lets you retain the impact of a personal letter, addressed to an individual from an individual, even when using a large mailing list. 419
Our Choice

ABC Amber ScrapBook Converter 1.03

Encrypt Web Pro 1.9

Visual Webcreator 1.0.650

HTML Encrypt 2.0

Web Designers Toolkit with Flash Menu 2.5

AlbumWeb 3.0

Flash Image Rotator 1.0

Encrypt HTML Pro 3.0

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc) 3.0.2

Koala HTML 1.0.5

Advanced PDF to HTML converter 1.4.9

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