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HTML software: GRSeo - Search Engine Optimizer, Status Scroll, HTML5 Video Player, Javascript Obfuscator, PageLock, HTML Password Lock, Scramble, Advanced HTML TOC, Easytemplates Flash Website Templates, AeroTags TagsLock Pro, PageUpdater, ChangeSite
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151 programs in Internet / HTML
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GRSeo - Search Engine Optimizer 2.4.16

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (389 Kb)
Search Engine Optimizer is a software program that offers specialized checks on Web pages in an effort to achieve higher search engine rankings. Users can run their Web pages through GRSeo, indicating which engine they're targeting and which keyword 331

Status Scroll 1.0

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (277 Kb)
Status Scroll generates 10 of the most popular Scrolling Status Bar JavaScript codes (the scrolling messages you see at the bottom of Internet Explorer) for your web site. 330

HTML5 Video Player 1.1.0

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $39.95 )
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HTML5 Video Player software is the easiest way for you to encode your video to HTML5 video compatible format and embed into your own website with a few mouse clicks. 330

Javascript Obfuscator 1.0

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (403 Kb)
Scramble, obfuscate, and pack JavaScript code!
Javascript Obfuscator converts the JavaScript source
code into scrambled and completely unreadable form,
preventing it from analysing and theft. 329

PageLock 2.0

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $14.95 )
Try Free (2.54 Mb)
Protect your website's HTML code and design from theft using this easy to use program. Functions include encoding HTML, preventing text from being selected, and blocking right mouse clicks. 329

HTML Password Lock 4.1

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $49.95 )
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Password protect html pages, web pages and whole web site. Based on strong algorithms, it will thoroughly encrypt your entire page so that no one can getting in unless he know the correct password. 329

Scramble 3.2

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $10.00 )
Try Free (1.09 Mb)
One of the most popular word games ever, Scramble transforms a phrase into a coded message by scrambling the alphabet. You can either solve a randomly chosen message on-screen, or you can print a scrambled message for family, friends to solve! 328

Advanced HTML TOC 2.0

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (366 Kb)
Create table of contents (TOC) of HTML files from header tags.
- Link TOC items to header tags.
- Single or multiple files.
- User sets range of header tags used.
- Can process numbering (like "1.20.4.").
- TOC appearance is template-based. 328

Easytemplates Flash Website Templates 1.20

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $67.50 )
Try Free (1.26 Mb)
Creating your own entire website is peanuts using Flash templates from EasyTemplates. EasyTemplates offers
you the most flexible and easiest way imaginable to create Flash websites. You don't need to know Flash or HTML
to create your website. 327

AeroTags TagsLock Pro 2.51

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $29.85 )
Try Free (1.02 Mb)
TagsLock Pro is designed to protect Web site content with password, encrypt HTML files and block email extractors. Encryption helps you hide the source code of HTML. 325

PageUpdater 8.4.0

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $79.95 )
Try Free (1.23 Mb)
PageUpdater is an HTML utility for Web Masters. Web Masters may designate pages of a web site and/or sections of pages for their clients to update by themselves. The clients use PageUpdater's standard text editor to modify the web pages. 324

ChangeSite Express 1.0

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $9.00 )
Try Free (2.62 Mb)
Easily make website-wide modifications to your HTML website with ChangeSite Express. 324
Our Choice

ABC Amber ScrapBook Converter 1.03

Encrypt Web Pro 1.9

Visual Webcreator 1.0.650

HTML Encrypt 2.0

Web Designers Toolkit with Flash Menu 2.5

AlbumWeb 3.0

Flash Image Rotator 1.0

Encrypt HTML Pro 3.0

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc) 3.0.2

Koala HTML 1.0.5

Advanced PDF to HTML converter 1.4.9

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