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HTML software: Adobe Dreamweaver, Style Studio, Text2Web, AMeta, Magical Mouse-over Button Generator, E-Mage for Web, Web Page Builder Toolkit, Guestbook Star, ScriptWorx.NET, HTMLPad 2007 Pro, Digital Photo Web Slide Show, ImTOO YouTube HD Video Downloader for Mac
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151 programs in Internet / HTML
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $150.00 )
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Save time transferring batches of associated files as you publish your projects. Build and package native apps for Android and iOS. Convert existing HTML into a mobile phone app within Dreamweaver CS6 software. Test layouts with the provided emulator 376

Style Studio 3.0

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (3.76 Mb)
Powerful HTML/CSS Editor with full support to W3C CSS standards,validator,IntelliSense,smart preview,many wizards,CSS indent,CSS link/@import,200+ options,instant syntax coloring and MS Office 2000/XP UI! (separate Win95 is available on web-site) 375

Text2Web 2.2.2

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (658 Kb)
Text2Web is a tool to convert text documents to html format. It incorporates integrated clipboard support which provides an almost seamless operation for web authors who want to include snippets of text (formatted or unformatted) into their web pages 375

AMeta 1.02

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $45.00 )
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Ameta combines META TAG reading and writing functionality with powerful manipulation features. Adjust your Meta Tags quickly and easily, saving the results directly back to your HTML pages. 374

Magical Mouse-over Button Generator 3.11

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $24.00 )
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Automatically creates PNG and JPG image files for captioned buttons; along with sample HTML; and optional javascript code to pop up different images as your mouse passes over or clicks each button. All without ever using a paint program. 374

E-Mage for Web 1.2.1

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (853 Kb)
A simple utility for creating HTML image galleries from pictures on your computer. Automatically generates thumbnails and places them on html pages by a specified template. Easy-to-use for novices and very flexible in hands of experienced webmasters. 374

Web Page Builder Toolkit 1.1

Internet/ HTML
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Uses fill-in forms to generate cut-and-paste code for rollover buttons, popup windows, 3D logos, hover links, frames, colored scrollbars, email forms, tables, metatags. Also includes color wheel, page templates, blank buttons and free web host list. 373

Guestbook Star 4.4

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (1.49 Mb)
Guestbook Star sets up your online guestbook. Collect valuable user feedback and opinion. You can reply directly to the visitor or post a reply. Your visitors' opinion might benefit your business. CGI on your server or on WebGenie's. 372

ScriptWorx.NET 5.5

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (9.31 Mb)
Create dynamic, database driven web sites. ScriptWorx.NET is an independent .NET web development environment, for producing world-class web applications and services. 372

HTMLPad 2007 Pro 8.3

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $29.85 )
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Quick and powerful HTML, XHTML, CSS and web script editor. You can instantly create and edit HTML, XHTML, CSS and scripts, validate, reuse, navigate and format your code. Convenient interface and tools let you increase productivity and save time. 372

Digital Photo Web Slide Show 2002.2

Internet/ HTML
Try Free (1.42 Mb)
Turn your digital photos or images into thumbnail galleries or javascript slide shows. Your friends and family will love viewing your photos on any web browser either locally on your hard drive or on your web site. Part of Digital Photo Slide Show. 371

ImTOO YouTube HD Video Downloader for Mac

Internet/ HTML
Buy Online!( $14.95 )
Try Free (32 Mb)
ImTOO YouTube HD Video Downloader for Mac features itself as a simple but convenient YouTube video downloader which can help you to download any YouTube video, especially High Definition videos in resolution of 720p or 1080p just in one click. 369
Our Choice

ABC Amber ScrapBook Converter 1.03

Encrypt Web Pro 1.9

Visual Webcreator 1.0.650

HTML Encrypt 2.0

Web Designers Toolkit with Flash Menu 2.5

AlbumWeb 3.0

Flash Image Rotator 1.0

Encrypt HTML Pro 3.0

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc) 3.0.2

Koala HTML 1.0.5

Advanced PDF to HTML converter 1.4.9

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